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What makes us a little different is our sustainable and ethical business model. From the sourcing of our beans to the energy efficient refurbishment of our building, from our products to our waste, it is important to us that we minimise the impact our business has on the world around us.

We encourage our customers to bring their own refillable cups or containers to pick up beans and we refill water bottles as part of the Leicester Refill scheme. Our cycle delivery service delivers beans to people’s homes and reduces the need for additional packaging.

Our philosophy towards waste is circular and that we should either avoid creating waste in the first place or find ways of reusing it. We buy our milk from a local dairy who deliver in refillable glass bottles. Our soft drinks are all glass and taken to the zero waste shop for reuse, our coffee grits delivered to local community gardens and for use in city centre planters, we use leftover boxes as cup carrier trays and cardboard and donate cardboard and other packaging waste local art projects. Only compostable disposable items are used in the shop.

All of these things take a little extra time and energy but we believe it is worth it!